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Perth Data Management Workshop

Source: PPDM

Please join us for the 2017 Perth Data Management Workshop on August 10, 2017.

In response to the current economic conditions this year, the Perth Data Management Workshop (formerly known as Symposium) will once again be a one day event – August 10, 2017 – and we have highly discounted the registration rates to make it easier to attend.

We invite you to come participate as we work together towards collective action and community building. PPDM Association Events are specifically designed to facilitate collaborative idea sharing, discussion and networking. You can expect to participate in numerous discussions, workshops and activities. Learn from your colleagues’ experiences, ask questions, build relationships and make key face to face connections. Engage in dynamic sessions and attend information packed presentations.

Please note that our conference fees will be in US Dollars.

Agenda, Schedule & Abstracts

The theme for this year’s Perth Workshop is “Traditional vs Emerging E&P Data Management.” The oil industry has always been a cyclical one and it is going through challenging times right now. E&P data and people may be the companies’ main assets, but data volumes, variety and complexity are increasing dramatically while data expertise is becoming more difficult to access. Keeping the (data management) lights on during a downturn may not seem like a priority to management, yet the expectation is that the data will be ready for exploitation when needed, including in new ways such as “data mining” and “machine learning”. The workshop is looking for presentations which will review either the traditional and proven practices of data management or emerging practices which are evolving in this modern changing environment, and how the PPDM programs and activities can support this evolution in the different organisations of our industry.
The deadline to submit abstracts for this event has been extended until May 19, 2017. To submit your abstract, please visit our Abstract Submissions Page. Please note that presentations are 20 minutes in length with 5 minutes afterwards for questions.

Please note that speakers will be given a 50% discount off the full conference registration fee (Exclusions may apply). Speakers from Operating Companies are also eligible for a complimentary registration, please contact for more information. Confirmed speakers must register a minimum of 1 month ahead of the event or risk loosing their speaking spot.

Please note, PPDM Conferences and Seminars are designed to inform and educate the data management community.

Venue & Hotel

This year’s Symposium will once again take place at the Curtin University Graduate School of Business Function Room – 78 Murray Street.


Please note that there is no onsite parking for this event. The Wilson Car Park is located to the rear of the building on the corner of Wellington and Pier Street, which is the closest parking location.

NEW! Virtual Registration

New this year, we are introducing a virtual option to register for this Symposium to attend Virtually. This Webex style attendance will give you access to the presentations and listen to the speakers.